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Acid reflux can help make sure that you never feel comfortable no matter your surroundings. You don't want to suffer through this day after day. Instead, you want a life that is free of this harmful and painful condition. Keep reading to find out how you can do this for yourself with some simple tips and tricks.

The most significant factor attributed with acid reflux is being overweight. Those who are obese are two times more likely to have GERD than someone who is at a healthy weight. The pressure on your stomach of all the extra pounds can cause the esophageal sphincter to relax, allowing acid to give you trouble.

When you are done eating a meal, prevent acid reflux by chewing on some gum. More saliva is produced when you chew some gum. The more saliva that is produced during digestion, the less acid is produced, in turn, preventing acid reflux from occurring. Ideally, you should chew on sugar-free gum.

Use a wedge to help relieve night time acid reflux. A book, piece of wood or something else that is similarly shaped will also do the trick. Some modern beds can now raise through electronic controls, which can be a big help.

Stress can cause acid reflux. Acid is produced when you put excess tension on your body. After every meal, do something relaxing. Yoga or meditation are excellent ways to reduce stress; however, you can do simpler things, such as watching your favorite television shows or reading a good book.

While vinegar tastes great on salads or french fries, anyone with acid reflux should avoid eating it. Vinegar, along with citrus fruit and tomatoes, is high in acid, and the more acid you eat, the more acid will return up your esophagus and cause you pain and discomfort after meals.

Eating large portions is a huge cause of acid reflux in a lot of people. When the stomach is too full, it puts too much pressure on the muscles in your stomach. It is better to eat five smaller meals instead of three larger ones. You will eat the same amount, but you will reduce the amount of acid your body produces.

Believe it or not, your clothing can affect how often you get acid reflux. Clothing that fits too tightly around the midsection will put excess pressure on the stomach, making reflux occur more often and with more pain. Opt for clothing with a loose fit. Only wear pants and belts that are tight enough to stay up without pressing too hard on the midsection.

In order to ameliorate the pain and discomfort of acid reflux, consider breaking your daily food intake into five or so smaller meals instead of three main ones. This helps prevent you from overloading your digestive system at any one time, making acids work more effectively in smaller amounts. You will soon start to notice a real change in your symptoms for the better.

If you suffer with acid reflux, don't lay down after eating. Laying down can cause your digestive tract to have problems working effectively. When you are upright, gravity will assist in keeping acid down.

When working out to help your acid reflux, be cautious of what and when you consume food and beverages. Eating too soon or eating and drinking the wrong things can negate the positive effects of exercise for your reflux. You should wait at least two hours after a workout to eat. Don't drink sports drinks since their acidity can trigger your reflux.

One of the best things you can do if you suffer from acid reflux is to lose a few pounds. Obesity is a huge contributor to acid reflux and heartburn. If you are at a healthy weight, statistics show that you are less than half as likely to suffer from acid reflux as people who are overweight. This is a great reason to shed some pounds.