Why are we writing a business case?

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When writing the business case consider the audience and appropriate tone and level while writing, you may need to write two versions (high-level and an implementer case in order to sell the activities)

Why is digital preservation important to you organization, department, and collection? Why should I make digital preservation a priority?

Are you or your department responsible for long-term or short-term collection retention and access?

if yes, understand the importance of the assets to the institution and users and the scope of collection
if no, review your collection policy to ensure you haven't missed anything.

Is your department responsible for digital preservation or some aspect of digital collection care?

if yes, proceed with writing the business case
*understand your current environment,strategic objectives infrastructure and stakeholders.  
*partner with your IT staff (internal or external supplier).
*how ready is your organization for digital preservation: what infrastructure is there?
*what scale of preservation are you hoping to undertake?
*ensure that people understand what you are trying to achieve at an early stage.
if no, find out who in your organization needs to be consulted in writing the case.

Will digital preservation fulfill the organisation's mission and business objectives?

Will digital preservation further the reputation and provide the ability for collaboration, investment and further funding.
Will digital preservation enable more effective exploitation of assets and maximisation of their use and re-use?

Will digital preservation make the collections easier to access and re-use

Are you planning to develop and market yourself as a trusted repository?(trust in repository)

do you need to plan for, invest in, grow, or develop areas in your organization to mitigate risks in relation to:

*Collections? (information loss, obsolescence, ...)
*Department? (inability to fulfil strategic objectives. IT)
*Organisation? (reputational damage, loss of income generating capacity with lack of access to assets)
*Users? (loss of access to collections)
*Depositors? (lack of confidence in repository)

Further information:

  • Strategy documents (collections development policies, organisational/departmental strategies, mission statements)
  • Risk assessment methodologies
  • Sample business cases
  • Preservation case studies - horror stories and success stories