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The OAIS model supposes that the ingest procedure starts with SIPs that. after some handling become AIPs and can be ingested. What I’ve seen on many conferences and also experienced in our own organisation (KB-NL) is the need for an extra stage in the ingest procedure: pre –ingest. In this pre-ingest stage the received material will be checked on various aspects, that are fundamental to make a decision whether the material should be accepted to enter the repository in the first place, like

  • Does it fit the collection building criteria (you don’t want to start the ingest procedure for material that is not meeting these requirements)
  • Is the purpose of the set of objects to be ingested (or is it wrongly delivered)
  • An action need to be done to unpack a batch file with hundreds of objects and create a set of SIPs to be handled one by one, perhaps by creating SIPs by merging various parts of the batch (object, metadata)

Another reason to add a specific pre-ingest function to OAIS is that organisations design working processes in which they deliberately want to distinguish the “raw material” received from the producer from the material that is being processed to become a SIP – with a name that they can use in their organisation, like Pre-Submission (Information) Package: PSP

Barbara Sierman (talk) 14:09, 30 September 2015 (BST)

Eld Zierau : It would also be good to take the OO-IO model (for Ingest as an inner OAIS) into consideration for this topic - discussed under blog

Shira Peltzman : Below is some text on this subject generated during the AMIA/DLF HackDay OAIS Edit-A-Thon

When discussing the “Receive Submission” function of the Ingest Functional Entity ( the standard elides the often onerous, time-consuming appraisal process. Although the audit process is given a cursory acknowledgment in the Ingest Functional Entity diagram (, there is not very much text devoted to describing what happens during this process, or what this process should encompass.

This is problematic, because the reality is that many archives--particularly archives with a substantial amount of moving image and/or complex born-digital collections--frequently receive material from donors that contain a wide variety of file formats, project versions, and assorted production material. When this material arrives it is not possible to ingest or accession it without first reviewing, assessing, and preparing it. In other words, many attendees summed this up by noting that, “you don’t get SIP from donor; [you] end up doing a lot of the work to create the SIP”. This phase wherein the SIP is created is not only the one that archives often spend substantial time completing, but it’s also a critical part of the archiving process.

Even more crucially, however, there are no universally acknowledged tools, workflows, or resources devoted to addressing this phase. This is due in part to the fact that there is not officially a distinct phase in the OAIS reference model that addresses this, and it would be helpful is the revised standard included a section which acknowledges that pre-ingest is a major part of the archive’s responsibilities.

There is another CCSDS standard (Producer-Archive Interface Specification) that addresses the processes around transferring a SIP in more detail. But given how critical and time-consuming (not to mention pervasive) the appraisal process is, it is important that the OAIS standard should address this step more fully. There are three ways in which it might do this: 1) by including language in section that acknowledges this step and some of the processes involved in it (like making further judgments about the objects you receive, conducting additional research, etc.), 2) by illustrating the points of connection between these two standards, or 3) by adding an additional entity to the diagram acknowledging the fact that may be an additional Pre-Submission Info Packet (Pre-SIP? PSIP?) process through which an archives needs to appraise,organize, or make further judgments about the objects they receive before they can even call it a SIP.

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