Nestor welcomes the OAIS Community Forum

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With its definition of terms, concepts and models, the OAIS reference model has shaped the way we talk and think about digital archiving in general and about the systems we use for this task. Not without good reason, it is considered one of the most important and most influential documents in the field of digital archiving. nestor has acknowledged the relevance of the OAIS model by providing a German translation of it. The authors of the German OAIS translation have expressed the hope that especially the complex concepts of the model become more accessible to the reader when reading in his or her native language and consequently, the discussion about them can be led more effectively and more widely.

It is safe to say that the digital preservation community needs the OAIS standard – at least it is the most referenced document in this area – and many have an opinion about it. Therefore, nestor welcomes and supports the initiative of the Digital Preservation Coalition to foster discussion about the OAIS revision among the community. Only if the interested, and qualified, parties voice their issues and concerns, the revision process will yield an appropriate result.

nestor has set up a small working group to address areas that might worth looking at in the upcoming revision process and will feed them into the OAIS Community Forum in the short term.

The working group plans a public workshop (in German language) on 21 June 2016 at the German National Library in Frankfurt.

S.schrimpf (talk) 14:39, 3 February 2016 (UTC)