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Control your indoor temperature. Eczema tends to flare up during shifts in temps or humidity. Use your air conditioner to stay cool in the warmer months. A humidifier can help you keep your skin from drying out during colder weather. Staying comfortable temp wise will help reduce the frequency of flare ups.

The temperature within your home should always be kept at a comfortable level. If it gets too hot or too cold, your skin may react to the environmental conditions that it is in. When it's hot, use an air conditioner and a humidifier when temperatures are cold. This will keep the air, and your skin, moist.

So, you think you have eczema. Have you visited a doctor yet to confirm your self-diagnosis? Not only are there several kinds of eczema, there are also several skin condition which are quite similar to eczema. Only a professional, such as a dermatologist has the education and experience to make an accurate diagnosis. The only way to experience effective treatment is by having an accurate diagnosis of your condition.

Some things trigger symptoms of eczema, so it's helpful to pinpoint what those triggers are. It may be the detergent, fragrance or soap you use, or it may be some of the fabrics you wear. Other triggers can be stress or sweating. After you learn what the triggers are, you can avoid them when you can.

If your doctor has approved over-the-counter ointments for your eczema, make sure you get the right kinds. You should be looking at products that are only 20% water and 80% oil. While they may feel greasier, they will lock moisture in your skin better. Try not to use these products in areas that get sweaty.

Stay mindful of the clothing you choose. There are clothes that your skin can touch and eczema will be triggered. It is best to wear cotton or cotton blends. Other fabrics can irritate your skin. Also, it's a good idea to keep in mind what you're doing when you need your clothes washed. Avoid using fabric softeners and harsh laundry detergents.

It is not in your best interests to have hot showers. While a hot shower can feel wonderful, your skin can actually be irritated. Particularly if you have eczema, be cautious when turning the water on. Instead, shower with room temperature water. Use a mild cleanser and moisturize when you get out.

Here is one deep treatment for the red, dry, itchy skin caused by eczema. When preparing for bed wash your hands with a mild soap, rinse with warm water and gently pat them dry. Slather on a thick layer of petroleum jelly all over your hands. Pull on some thin cotton gloves and hit the sack. The next morning your hands will be smoother and less itchy.

Eczema can be very frustrating, and it afflicts people of all ages. However, there are steps you can take to better manage your condition. Gaining all of the knowledge you can is the first step to fighting it. Hopefully, the advice here can help you.